~ Spring Discoveries ~
LSPA Center for Lake Studies
Discovery . Learning . Research
Find ways to discover the outdoors this spring, how to help protect your watershed, plus life long learning opportunities and wonderful wildlife links!
There’s so much to do outside! Explore the wonders of spring!
Discover the Outdoors
The Sunapee area offers wonderful opportunities to get outside and explore this beautiful landscape. But recreating responsibly this time of year means Mud, Masks and More. Brave the muck, ice, and puddles and help keep the trail systems intact! Stay on track, put your waterproof gear to the test and enjoy the delights of the spring season!
Hiking during the spring is awesome and yet it involves careful planning and preparation. NH Fish and Game and the White Mountain National Forest both suggest following Recreate Responsibly guidelines.
Go Explore and hike Sunset Hill in Newbury or hike the trails at the historic Hay Estate at The Fells, the John Hay National Wildlife Refuge on the shore of Lake Sunapee, or the Ausbon Sargent's Stony Brook Sanctuary. All these and many more area trails offer quiet and views of wonderful woodlands and vistas, plus the possibility of sightings and tracks of the many forest animals that inhabit the area.
Wildlife can be found emerging from winter hibernations in all sorts of habitats!
Spring Wildlife Links
Vermont Institute of Science
Nature in the news ~ Life long learning
Watershed wise Spring wisdom
Rains and Runoff!
Learn about rainwater management with NH’s Soak Up the Rain program.
Get Involved! Take action! Sign up to become a Salt Watcher! Request your FREE Salt Watch test kit from The Izaak Walton League of America.