Who Can I Contact?
For homeowners needing to know who to contact about lake or waterfront issues in the Lake Sunapee Watershed, please see the contact information below. If you cannot find what you are looking for here, please feel free to give us a call at 603-763-2210 and we will connect you with someone who can help.
Code Compliance/Zoning
For questions about land disturbance or town permits (i.e building, wetland, shoreland, tree cutting) contact:
New London – Adam Ricker, Town Planner & Zoning Administrator: (603) 526-1246, planning@newlondon.nh.gov
Sunapee – Kyle Davis, Code Compliance Officer: 603-763-2212 ext. 1016, email through Town website
Newbury – Scott LaCroix, Code Enforcement Officer: (603) 763-4940 ext. 203 codeenforcement@newburynh.org
Springfield - Tim Bray, Zoning Coordinator: permits@springfieldnh.org
Wetland & Shoreland Permits
For information about wetland and shoreland permits or the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act contact:
NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) – (603) 271-2147
Wetland Permit Assistance and Applications
Shoreland Permit Assistance and Applications
Town Ordinances & Permit Applications
To learn more about local ordinances and permits visit applicable Town websites below.
New London – Town Ordinances, Forms and Permit Applications
Newbury – Town Ordinances or Forms and Permit Applications
Sunapee – Town Ordinances or Forms and Permit Applications
Springfield – Town Ordinance, Forms and Permit Applications (scroll down to select Documents/Applications Folder)
Road Conditions and Stormwater Conveyance Structures
Contact local public works and highway departments if you have questions about road conditions and stormwater conveyance structures (culverts, ditches, catch basins) or driveway permits.
New London – To reach Sam Clarke, Public Works Director, contact the Administrative Assistant, Nancy Barthol at: (603) 526-6337 or N.Barthol@NewLondon.NH.Gov
Newbury – Cal Prussman, Highway Administrator: (603) 938-5494, contact through the Newbury website portal
Springfield – Tim Hayes, Road Agent: (603) 763-2829, contact through the Springfield website portal
Sunapee – Mike Martell, Highway Director: (603) 763-5060, MichaelM@town.sunapee.nh, Jennifer McClaine, Highway Business Manager: (603) 763-5060 Option 1
For State Roads and Property - NH DOT District 2 Office – Christopher Turgeon, (603) 448-2654, Website: https://www.dot.nh.gov/about-nh-dot/divisions-bureaus-districts/highway-maintenance/district-2
For further assistance on issues involving state roads and properties, we suggest you contact your local representative.
Boat, Navigation and Dock De-icer Issues
For questions about spar buoys, abandoned boats, moorings, on the water accidents and dock de-icer violations, contact NH Marine Patrol
Marine Patrol Unit: (603) 293-2037 or (877) 642-9700, marinepatrol@dos.nh.gov
Moorings Program: (603) 293-2037 ext #3, MPFrontOffice@dos.nh.gov
Spills and Dumping of Hazardous Materials
For questions or to report illegal disposal of oil and hazardous materials, illegal dumping of solid waste and household refuse, roadside spills involving oil, chemicals and other waste, contact the local 911 responder or fire/police department (if deemed an emergency) and seek instructions on how to proceed.
Newbury Dispatch: (603) 763-2221
New London Fire Department: (603) 526-6073
Springfield Dispatch: (603) 763-3100
Sunapee Dispatch: (603) 763-5555
To report a toxic spill onto surface waters of the state:
First contact 911 or local fire department (see numbers above)
If advised, then call NHDES Spill Response:
Monday – Friday, 8am to 4pm: (603) 271-3899
Weekends and Evenings call State Police Dispatch: (603) 223-4381
Sunapee Drinking Water Facility or the Wastewater Facility
For questions about Sunapee drinking water or wastewater contact:
Sunapee Water and Sewer Department: (603) 763-2115
Septic System Maintenance
If you need to get your system pumped, click here for a list of local septic system providers.
If you suspect that your septic system is failing (or has failed), click here for a list of local inspectors or installers.
If you need a new system or to replace your system, click here for a list of local designers.
Public Health Hazards
To report a public health hazard (such as a failing septic system) or to learn more about the history of your septic system, contact the health officer in your town:
Sunapee – Doug Gamsby: (603) 763-2212 or through Sunapee website portal
Newbury – Wayne Whitford: (603) 763-4940 or through Newbury website portal
New London – Nicholas Baer: (603) 526-1242, n.baer@NewLondon.NH.gov
Springfield – Tim Bray: (603) 763-4805, permits@springfieldnh.org
Docks and Cutting or Pulling Wetland/Aquatic Plants
A permit is needed to install a new dock and to remove wetland plants.
Contact NHDES Wetlands Bureau for guidance: (603) 271-2147, www.des.nh.gov/water/wetlands
Lake Sunapee Water Level/Dam Operations
For questions about the water level or the dam in Lake Sunapee contact:
NHDES Dam Bureau: (603) 271-3406, damsafety@des.nh.gov
Website: www.des.nh.gov/water/dam-maintenance-and-management
To watch a recording of a 2021 webinar about lake level management on Lake Sunapee, click here.
For information about fish or to report a fish kill, contact:
NH Fish and Game Inland Fisheries Department - (603) 271-2501, fisheries@wildlife.nh.gov
NH Fish and Game Website: https://www.wildlife.nh.gov/